Permanent Collection
The Mann Art Gallery's Permanent Collection started in 1993 with the building of a Collections Policy by past Director/Curator Grace Eiko Thompson. Our first acquisition was a Frank Sudol wooden vessel titled Lacy Birch, purchased through a donation from the Kiwanis Club of Prince Albert in 1994 on the occasion of the Kyla Art Group retrospective exhibition at the Little Gallery.
The Permanent Collection houses both historical and contemporary artworks by local, provincial and national artists. Just as it is the mandate of the gallery to showcase local art parallel to regional, provincial, and national art, the collection's mandate focuses on acquiring local artists work, both contemporary and historical, as well as works from around the province. Media represented in the collection include: ceramics, paintings, photographs, woodworks, sculpture, bronze, tapestry, fibre arts, multimedia works and videos. As of October 2021, the collection topped the 3,900 mark.
Artists represented in the collection include:
Agnew, K.
Archer, Sheila
Arkell, Madeleine
Baerg, Jason
Bahr, Fred
Bailey, Bonnie
Baker, Griffith Aaron
Ballantyne, Noah
Barentsen, Cornelia
Barrie, Margaret
Base, J.S.
Basso, Anne C.
Beardsworth, Lorraine
Beaudry, Henry
Benning, Heather
Bergman, Anita
Berube, Joe
Billiard, Bob
Bird, Don
Bird, Kathie
Blackburn, Catherine
Blackburn, Kylee
Bliss, Pat
Bliss, Vera
Bolen, Mel
Bould, Clifford
Bould, Kay
Boutin, Michel
Boyer, Bob
Boyle, Gary
Brons, Ursula
Brown, Jane
Brown, Jennifer
Buchko, Zenon
Buchmann-Gerber, Anne Marie
Burns, Calvin
Burrill, Pamela
Bustin, Susan
Butt, David
Calvert, Jenny
Carlson, Gail
Carlson, Phyllis
Carter, Garry
Chad, Cory
Charlebois-Rinas, Nicole
Chartier, Linda
Chester, Donovan
Christie, Robert
Clark, Allen
Clarke, Rigmor
Clyde, Jean
Cobiness, Eddy
Coffrey, Ralph
Cole , Martha
Collier , Alan
Cooley, Paula
Cooley, Ron
Corrigal, Doug
Cote, Paul Emile
Crane, Jennifer
Crate, Chuck
Cuthand, Ruth
Daoust, Nathalie
Day, Stan
De Plume, Norm
Deloucheney, Marsha
Desjardins, Roger
Devine, Sheila
Didur, Jerry
Donahue, Lilian
Dorion, Leah Marie
Dreaver, Audrey
Dufour Atchison, Leanne
Dupuis, Lorenzo
Eakin, William
Edwards, Ken
Enns, Evangeline
Enns, William Robert
Epp, John David
Exner, Twyla
Eyre, Ivan
Fafard, Joe
Farrero, Charley
Felley-Martinson, Andrée
Ferchuk, Chris
Ferguson, Adeline
Fink, Heike
Finney, Helen
Flaman, Denise
Forrester, Cam
Forsyth, Mina
Foulds, Donald
Francis, Cate
Freedy, Connie
Furniss, George
Gagne, Teresa
Gaudet , Ben
Germiquet, Paul M.
Gilhooly, David
Glenn, George
Gertz, Thomas
Govetzky, Barb
Grayston, Pat
Greenman-Barber, Jody
Griffiths, William Gordon
Guedo, Jacqueline
Guillet, Andrea
Hansen, Sheila
Hanson, Frances
Hardy, Greg
Hargarten, Greg
Harley, Lynne
Hauser, Lynne
Hauser, Iris
Hearn, Ray
Heinsohn, E.H.
Helfenstein, Conrad
Henbid, Annette
Hilton, Charles
Hogg, Grace M.
Holden, Karen
Holmes, Janet M.
Hone, David
Hone, Elizabeth
Hone, McGregor
Horrup, B.
Howard, Glen
Huntley, Bente
Hurst, Patrick
Jacobs, June
Jacobson, Sybil
James, Ann
Janciukas, Birute Ona
Jadine, Dori
Jensen, Jack
Jensen, Linda
Johnson, Lee
Jermillo, German
Johnson, Lee
Johnson, Ernie
Johnstone, Hilary
Kachur, Paul
Kakiarniut, Guy
Keelan, Margaret
Kemp, Gordon
Kenderdine, Augustus
Kennedy, Marsha
Kenyon, Lois
Kerr, Kendall
Kerr, Margaret O. (Peggy)
King, Jean
Konopaki, Rodney
Kowalski, Olesia
Krawchuk, Stephanie
LaChance, Bonnie
LeBlanc, Cynthia
Lenhardt, Molly
Letkeman, Merv
Lindner, Bodil
Lindner, Degen
Lindner, Ernest
Lindsay, Margot
Listoe, Mark
Lowe, Dale
Lowry, Nancy
Lyons, Ken
MacDonald, Myles
MacRae, John
Malach, Lorraine
Mardell, Rachel
Mascho, Gayle
Mathiason , Lorraine
Mayson, Jean
McConnel, Grant
McDonald, Terri-Lynn
McDonald, John
McIntosh, Stuart
McKay, Earl
McKeand-Smith, Donna
McKnight, Randal Scott
McMahon, J.
McNaughton, Judy
Mcveigh, Don
Merasty, Angelique
Miller, Cecile
Mullie, Alex
Mineau, Rose
Moller, Gukki Jorn
Moore, Grant
Moore, Tim
Morin, Barb
Morrier, Emma
Mortenson, Paige
Mulcaster, Wynona
Mullie, Alex
Murphy, Gerald
Neufeld, Clint
Oliver, Jo
Orynik, Roman
Pask-Thompson, Karen
Pee-Ace, Kevin
Perrault, Wilf
Pask-Thompson, Karen
Perry, John
Peterson, Rod
Piecowye, Stefania
Pitzel, Bob
Popescul, Dana
Porcina, Mark
Portnall, Francis Henry
Potter, Deborah
Reid, Bill
Reitz, Don
Relitz, Judie
Ricklefs, June
Robidoux, S. Laurette
Rocamora, Anita
Rogers, Helen
Rohachuck, Dwayne
Rusk, Darcy
Sand, Calvin
Sapp, Allen
Schimnosky, Bernie
Seaton, Robert
Seggie, Jean
Seman, C.W.
Semenoff, Nik
Senner, Winnona
Severson, Jack
Skoronski, Karen
Spink, Roger
Springer Sapergia, Barb
Steinsvoll, M.
Stewart, Bill
Stockdale, Donna
Sudol, Frank
Summers, Emma
Summers, Vincent
Sundbo, Osmund D.
Sures, jack
Swaffield, Myrtle
Tagseth, Martin
Taubensee, Mariann
Taylor, Annabel
Taylor, Jeff
Teed, Loren
Thauberger, David
Thorneycroft, Diana
Thurber, Gary
Tickner, Ken
Tilford, Tom
Tinning, Campbell
Traill, E.E.
Trottier, Paul
Van Rees, Ken
Van Walsem, Margreet
Vinish, Adrian
Voros, Mike
Wall Larson, Doris
Watson, Carter
Watt, Henry Robertson (Robin)
Weidner, Lorraine
Westmoreland, Cherie
Whalley, Sean W.
Woolsey, Randy
Wozny-Siemens, Gladys
Wylie, Carol
Yuristy, Russel
Various Emma Lake Collaboration Pieces