Exhibition images of Main Gallery and Project Space (2019-2020)
About Our Programs
The Mann Art Gallery presents a diverse program of exhibitions, lectures, screenings, educational programs and special projects that support its mission to nurture publics that engage with the visual cultures of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada and the world. Proposals for exhibitions, special projects and events are accepted on an ongoing basis. We provide installation assistance, promotion, documentation, and professional compensation for artists in accordance with CARFAC recommendations. The Mann Art Gallery also has a well-developed and dynamic educational program that serves schools, community groups and Indigenous communities. Artists and curators are encouraged to consider the public outreach and educational prospects of their proposals.
Submission Guidelines
The Mann Art Gallery accepts digital proposals as a single PDF document via email with the subject heading: “Mann Proposal" The PDF should not exceed 10MB. Digital or physical submissions in any other format will not be accepted.
Project Description including installation requirements (max 500 words)
Artist or Curatorial statement max 500 words)
Curriculum Vitae, name + complete contact information
10 images of proposed or current work
Video or Audio work as links (for audio and time-based proposals)
Image list (including title, medium, date, and size)
Deadline for Submissions: none
Fill out the online exhibition proposal form HERE
proposals can be sent to the Artistic Director.
Our Space
The Mann Art Gallery has two main exhibition spaces:
Main Gallery
1867 square feet | 161 Running Feet
Ceiling Height: 240" at highest point
Ceiling Style: Gable
Wall Height: 144"
Height to Track Lighting: 12’
Project Space
620 square feet | 29 Running Feet
Ceiling Height: 144" at highest point
Ceiling Style: Salt Box
Height to Track Lighting:
Two Rows of Lighting at 11' and 13'